#underwater statue
zegalba · 3 months
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oobbbear · 6 months
Mer au but
the DCA boys are underwater animatronics in an abandoned theme park, they lure in the water and scares away the urban explorers
Maybe I won’t do an au but instead an original story either way I want to do something about it
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gemsofgreece · 10 months
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Scuba diving in Samos island by xtremegreece.travel on Instagram.
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satureja13 · 2 months
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Ji Ho's Therapy Game - Part 1
Oh! It seems Ji Ho is really Princess Jihovere! And she lives in a beautiful castle! In the princess' tower at that 🏰
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She has a huge bathroom there! Anything a mermaid princess could wish for was there. Fluffy towels, scented essences and cute toys. (And it seems both, Jack and Ji Ho, have a way better ingame experience that poor Vlad ^^')
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How cute Ji Ho looks :3
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The Princess dressed and went up to the top of the tower to take a look around. Such a beautiful world!
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Her next quest is to dine with the Queen! She's already awaiting the princess. (The dresscode in the castle seems to be mintgreen+white ^^')
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Such an amazing castle! Ji Ho doesn't know where to look first! Ji Ho and Noxee hadn't much to do with each other in the past and since The Queen doesn't know Ji Ho ingame, it's even more intimidating.
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Ji Ho doesn't even know if the Queen is a good or evil character. From what Ji Ho knows about fairytales is, that the Queen/Mother-in-law ist mostly evil and jealous of the younger and prettier princess ö.Ö' Maybe this therapy experience isn't as amazing as it seems? Plus: Lou mentioned that, after Prince Caleb and Princess Jihovere are married, The Queen will have to leave and Caleb will be King... Maybe marrying The Prince wasn't the challenge in this game but staying alive?
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Ji Ho decided to adress it right away. This is just a game and he's determined to make good progress so he can finally dig out his buried feelings so he can love Vlad. Ji Ho: "Won't it be hard for you to retreat after Caleb becomes King?"
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The Queen: "Oh my precious, don't you worry! This is just a constitutional monarchy here and we do not have any power. It's just for the show. To be honest: It's not that desireable to have the eyes of 'our subjects' on us all the time. They have more power over us than we over them ^^' Many are just lurking until we take a false step and: off the head! I can't wait to return to my own little queendom." The Queen sighed and looked a bit sad.
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But soon she smiled again, the show must go on. She's a real pro. The Queen: "Let's finish our meal. There's still a lot to do before the wedding. You're from the Kingdom under the Sea and our habits are so different from yours. A lot to learn for you. We won't let you get roasted for not being an appropriate Queen for our King, right?" Ji Ho let out a nervous laugh: "Right, Your Royal Highness."
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Princess Jihovere sat in the garden. It was calmingly quiet and so relaxing to just sit here in the sun, nothing was worrying him here. Ji Ho is determined to make the most of this experience and to cherish these reposeful moments after all the madness they had to go through. And who knows what lies in their future...
The Queen instructed the Princess to stitch a few loops. That's obviously still a valuable trait in the upper echolons of society here.
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She was intrigued by the statue of a stunning man in the garden and decided to stich the beautiful face of him.
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Princess Jihovere made good progress since Ji Ho enjoys stitching in the real world too.
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The princess spent many hours in the garden stitching many loops of the beautiful statue. And she was very happy doing this. There's so much happening in their lives that they barely have time to sit down in peace and silence and create something just for the joy of it - and not to earn money. And the statue was so beautiful to look at. It had a very special (and oddly familiar) presence on Ji Ho. It was as if the statue was looking back at him. As if he wanted to tell him something. A real master of his art must have created it. And he must have had a very handsome model.
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Meanwhile in the Throne Room, a very grumpy Throne Prince sat on the Throne. What's up with him? He's going to marry a beautiful princess!
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest Current Chapter: 🕹️ 'The One' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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taski-guru · 25 days
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'Standing on the shoulders of giants' series? We will see, maybe I'll make another one with a giant statue.
🏝️ 🍹 ⛱️ 💙 🌞 🌊 🦪 🐬 🐚
Characters' emotions are customizable, as well as their accessories and outfits. I can also make their size larger (as compared to the statue)
Merfolk are very welcome to this YCH!
Colors might not be exactly the same since it's gonna be an illustration with detailed background that tries to fit all the characters in! Background is not finished, it's still sketchy, final work will be more detailed.
SB is $70 for each slot.
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melis-hellis · 13 days
ok but what's crazy is that for a couple months before s2e7, i had an idea for an emotional scene in a fic where charlie has to give pim CPR. zach and michael i see y'all!!!!!!!!
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bialbovi · 1 month
Big ocean woman
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eincline · 1 month
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Submerged statue of youth
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nixsmis · 1 year
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i'm open for wing-its weekly on fridays/saturdays via google form linked on FA/twitter! Moonbeam Patrons get a discounted price on Simple-Cel Wing-its! https://www.patreon.com/nixsmis character © NoxDawnsong art © me
Posted using PostyBirb
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katjadarkrider · 1 year
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Drawing from 1st January 2023
Time: 8h
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So I'm really enjoying @tsukithewolf's "Swim Against the Tide" so much that I was inspired to make this. Also I love hidden details but I don't think anyone is gonna notice this, but the two sheet music is the piano version and the violin version for DUET : 3
Originally posted May 27, 2022
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cryptid-stimming · 6 months
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[Image description: a mini 6 gif stimboard depicting underwater statues by Jason deCaires Taylor; from left to right.
First line: a gif panning over a human figure statue surrounded by a shoal of small fish in the ocean, silhouetted against a light behind them. A gif panning behind a human figure stature and a carved doorway on the ocean floor, all of them covered with sea life. And a gif of a human figure statue bend over and covered with algae and sea life, a flashlight being panned across so it disappears into the dark of the ocean.
Second line: a gif of a shoal of fish swimming around a large collection of human figure statues on the sea floor. A gif of a group of human figure statues and swimming fish in shadow in the dark of the ocean. And a gif of a fish swimming around a human figure statue that is covered with swaying seaweed.
End of image description.]
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pearlytingz · 1 year
A deep sea , dark mermaid moodboard (not feminine) with themes of man-made objects underwater? Like oil rigs and sea storms? I know its alot sorry
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Sorry it’s extremely late haha I haven’t made any in a while !!!
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i-post-posts · 6 months
I didn't really want a kotor remake until I played bg3. I'm going insane thing about better graphics. The visuals in kotor are already striking. Imagine Korriban, Manaan, Nar Shaddaa, Malachor V, and everywhere else looking like THIS
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motelpearl · 3 months
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Emerald Princess by Simon Morris
The Emerald Princess is a 9 foot tall, 500 pound underwater bronze sculpture by Simon Morris. It is located 60 feet underwater in Mermaid Cove, off the coast of Saltery Bay Provincial Park in British Columbia, Canada. It was made in 1989. Photo credit to mermaidsofearth.com
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captainseamech · 1 month
Tag (re)Drop
//At long last, I finally decided to stop everything and focus on my blog by itself! This post is quite long (obviously) and a few tags were slaughtered in the process since I no longer use them and also to make place for new ones, but I hope this eases the tagging mess for once!!
🌊 | outside the ship / ooc
🌊 | inside the ship / ic
🌊 | stuck in my datapad / mobile
🌊 | coming aboard / threads
🌊 | message in a bottle / asks
🌊 | grayfaced annoyance / anonymous
🌊 | a reflection of myself / visage
🌊 | Lapis did a thing / arts & edits
🌊 | in troubled waters / memes & prompts
🌊 | watching over seas / dash comm
🌊 | this looks fun / dash games
🌊 | from another point of view / headcanons
🌊 | through the soul of a sailor / study
🌊 | you're not the only fish in the ocean... / musings
🌊 | all the beauties hidden underwater / aesthetic
🌊 | don't call me tidepod! / crack
🌊 | pay attention landlubbers! / psa
🌊 | maybe for later... / wishlist
🌊 | a story for another day / drabbles
🌊 | singing sea shanties / music & audio
🌊 | in the waves of love / ship stuff
🌊 | ocean man approval / promo
🌊 | ocean man brand / self promo
🌊 | captain's data log / status
🌊 | my new treasure / saved tag
🌊 | checking again / self reblog
🌊 | swimming along / queue
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